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The sink is possibly the most used fitting in the kitchen. Whether it’s to rinse the dishes, soak the vegetables, clean meat, wash your hands or fill up a pot for boiling water, the kitchen sink is constantly in use through the day.
While this multi-tasking fixture is meant to be highly functional and utilitarian, how can you make it a stylish piece that stands out in the home kitchen design? With an abundance of marble available in a range of colours, textures and price points in our country, we look at several ways in which you can build the perfect marble kitchen sink design.
1. What To Consider Before Choosing A Marble Kitchen Sink Design?
If you’re thinking about including a marble sink in your kitchen interior design ideas, you have to factor its price in your budget. Since they’re more expensive than ordinary kitchen sink designs, you have to consider the exact colour, size, shape and style you’re looking for to be sure of what you’re going to get. Since it’s a heavy stone, as well, you’ll also have to speak to an expert about the type of mount you’d need to install to hold it up. Certain marble stones age better compared to others, so you’d also have to factor in the longevity of the stone you’re choosing.
Insider’s Guide: As a starting point, begin with the rest of the interiors in the home’s kitchen design—such as the cabinetry, countertop and backsplash—and try to find the best marble colour to pair it with.
Image courtesy, ImageFlow/ Shutterstock
Image courtesy, Signature hardware
2. A Kitchen Sink Design That Makes A Statement
For a space that’s meant to be the most utilitarian and functional room in a home, how do you make a style statement in the kitchen? You could add in some intricately patterned tiles on the floor or backsplash, but what if you want something more unique? Using an eye-catching material for your kitchen sink design could do the trick. Instead of hiding away the most used item in the kitchen, you could highlight it with something unexpected. In this home kitchen design, the raw marble stone used for making the sink makes it stand out like a monolith on the counter.
Style Tip: When pairing a grand sink like this, use simple materials on the countertop to avoid taking away any attention from it.
3. An Integrated Double Bowl Marble Kitchen Sink Design
If you want to create a seamless counter without any pieces protruding out of the edges, an integrated marble kitchen sink design may be the kitchen interior design idea you’re looking for. Creating a softer look on your countertop, you can build it as a double-bowl design, as well. This arrangement will create separate spaces for washing and drying dishes, or segregating them after use. The is the neatest idea for creating uniformity in the kitchen, as you can use the same marble on your countertop for your marble kitchen sink design.
Image courtesy, Olga Prava/ Shutterstock
Image courtesy, Micheile Henderson/ Unsplash
4. An Under-Mount Kitchen Sink Design With A Marble Countertop
If you want the perfect marble home kitchen design but aren’t sure about using the stone for the sink, you can still create the same look with an under-mount sink. With a simple ceramic sink tucked and concealed under the countertop, the attention from this fixture is taken away. Instead, fitting your favourite marble around it on the countertop will recreate the idea of having a marble kitchen sink design.
Style Tip: For uniformity, match the colour of your sink with the shade of marble you use around it. If you’re looking for more kitchen interior design ideas, sign up for the Beautiful Homes Service by Asian Paints. With a panel of expert designers and a dedicated project manager, you can expect the most stylish fuss-free renovation process for any part of your home.
5. Marble Is The Perfect Stone For Recreating An All-white Kitchen Interior Design Idea
A kitchen can be a space that can get quite busy and even packed at times. Irrespective of its size, to make a kitchen design look airy and open, it’s wiser to choose lighter colours and simple clean lines to avoid making the space look too cluttered. The simplest go-to option is an all-white colour palette across your cabinetry, floors, tiles and countertop. To blend into this, a plain white marble kitchen sink design is the the neatest option.
Style Tip: To avoid monotony in an all-white themed kitchen, bring in texture and pattern into your materials. For marble—on the backsplash or for the sink—choose a stone that has an interplay of swirls and veins to bring in a hint of colour.
Image courtesy, ImageFlow/ Shutterstock
Image courtesy, Signature hardware
6. How Do You Clean A Marble Kitchen Sink Design?
As a routine, a marble kitchen sink design needs a regular deep clean and resealing process to retain its original shine and colour. It is important to remember that marble is a porous material. Using abrasive cleaners such as vinegar, lemon juice, baking soda, bleach and other acidic substances will damage its exterior and shine over time. Along with this, strong or rough sponges can leave scratches on the sink’s surface. Instead, use a mixture of warm water and dish soap to clean the marble kitchen sink, allowing it to soak for a few minutes before rinsing. When considering the overall aesthetics of your kitchen, it's important to keep in mind that the sink plays a crucial role in tying the space together. Therefore, choosing a marble kitchen sink design that complements your interior design can elevate the look of the entire room.
Expert Tip: To avoid a heavy build up over time, make sure to wipe down the sink after each load of dishes. This will also leave your kitchen looking neater and cleaner.
7. A Black Marble Home Kitchen Design
When we think of marble, we visualise soothing white- or cream-hued stones. However, unknown to many, there’s also a category of natural Indian marble that is black in colour. Not only are these stones unique, but they’re also popular for their striking and unusual appearance. Because black marble contains calcite, it is very durable and absorbs the least amount of water. If you’re looking for a marble kitchen sink or countertop, but would like a darker colour palette, this is the perfect stone for you.
Style Tip: To avoid monotony in an all-white themed kitchen, bring in texture and pattern into your materials. For marble—on the backsplash or for the sink—choose a stone that has an interplay of swirls and veins to bring in a hint of colour.
IImage courtesy, ImageFlow/ Shutterstock
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DEC 2023
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17 Oct 23, 03.00PM - 04.00PM