Make decorating your child’s room a fun activity with these handy tips
Your child’s room is potentially the most chaotic space in the house. With the right kind of storage solutions and a few decorating tips, you can reduce the anarchy in your toddler’s room.
1. Organisation is the key to keeping any room clean. Setup the room in a way that encourages independent clean-up
2. Combat storage issues with open shelves, containers without lids or inexpensive laundry baskets. Colour code these to
make it easier to sort the toys
3. Decorate with theme based inexpensive decorations, stickers, etc, which can be changed as kids grow up and grow out of
4. Hanging a canopy over the bed (even if it’s a floor bed) gives it a cosier appearance
5. Use neutral colours on walls and furniture so bedsheets, drapes and accessories can keep changing and adapting to your
child’s tastes
6. Bright colourful interlocking foam mats with pictures or alphabets are easily available and make for great floor covering to
prevent scrapes and bruising while playing
7. Scribble walls coated with chalkboard paint can help channelise creative energies
8. Create a collage of their drawings/ paintings by installing softboards on a wall or cupboard front. You can even get their
works framed and decorate their headboards with it
9. A well-lit room ensures healthy eyes. If natural light is not abundant, ensure enough lighting provisions are made in the
10. Ensure you place a night lamp in their room so they can find their way to the bathroom easily in the middle of the night